ESPN The Weekend Photos 3/1/2009
Last Sunday, I visited ESPN The Weekend for the first time. For as long as I've been going to Disney (over 30 years), and even living here in Orlando for 10 – occasionally an event slips by me. I really enjoyed the day I was there!
You can find video of a motorcade with Tony Dorsett, Warren Moon and Lamarr Woodley here!
The weather wasn't bad early on, but a cold front with rain came through in the morning. I was told that the ESPN Sports Zone was closed when I arrived, due to the weather – it reopened after the rain stopped. I had wanted to see a couple of athletes during one event, but it appeared to be canceled (unless it was moved, but I was hiding from the rain!) 🙂
Hathaway Brown (for any Adventurers Club fans!):
The first motorcade, with Curt Schilling, John Franco, Dennis Eckersley and Jim Palmer: