10/11 Cubot Interactive Unit Testing at Disney’s Hollywood Studios, Heading to Hong Kong Disneyland
Hi everyone!
We were planning on putting up a Fantasyland update today, but that was set aside until tomorrow as we went to Disney's Hollywood Studios to check out the test of Cubot, which resembles a set of blocks that interacts with guests. Remember the Muppet Mobile Lab? We covered that back in 2007, and this is also a brief test as Cubot gets ready to head to Hong Kong Disneyland.
Cubot is testing today and tomorrow, October 11th and 12th, 2011. There are 4 sides, 3 segments (blocks) that turn to create a cowboy, princess, space man, and robot. There was music that occasionally played from it, Randy Newman's "We Belong Together". While this is heading to the upcoming Toy Story Land at Hong Kong Disneyland, it is something that is not heavily themed – there are no Toy Story characters, though the cowboy reminds me of Woody. The same set of blocks could fit in at Frontierland, Tomorrowland, etc. – and the music could be changed to something different.
I was asked by someone in research if I thought it'd do well at Hong Kong Disneyland, but I don't know what the audiences there appreciate. However, the kids here were really enjoying it – and why shouldn't they? It's like Push the Trashcan, but with blocks and you can turn it. The thing that made me laugh the most was when Cubot asked a woman heading out of a store if she'd gotten everything she needed.
Check out our video here! (You can see a Test Track reburbished vehicle video at that link too!)
Cubot asked this girl for a hug:
Cubot was heading backstage as an audience was let out, and everyone seemed surprised! Take a look at our video here.
That is it for our Cubot coverage! We stopped by the Tower of Terror shop to check out the new bellhop ears – have you seen them? I think they are pretty cool!
Cubot, again, is like Push the Trashcan – and I think it should fit in nicely at the upcoming Toy Story Land at Hong Kong Disneyland.