Dining Reviews

Tutto Italia Review

I'd debated whether or not to try Tutto Italia after making a stop to peek in there a few days back – the restaurant is much more formal than Alfredo's was, and I am a non-formal person!  (think Trails End!)  Also, the Food and Wine Festival soft-opened today, so I almost opted for that instead.

I had no probem securing a reservation on Tuesday for today.   And I'm glad I did, everything I had was fantastic!







Prior to ordering, I was served bread as well as some fresh, vegetables.  The vegetables included carrots, beans, asparagus, and radish slices.  On the side was some olive oil, as well as what I was told was eggplant relish (but I was told today, when I had dinner there again that it is ricotta and pesto).  I am NOT a foodie, but we'll go with the latter. 🙂





For an appetizer, I went with the Fresh Mozzarella with tomatoes and olive oil.   This would normally cost $15.00, but I am on the free dining plan.  The Mozzarella chunks were ample and delicious, and the tomato as well.  I didn't finish it, as I wanted to save room for the rest of my meal!


I had to ask what the Tagliata di Manzo was, as it doesn't say on the menu.  I was told it was a New York Strip Steak (Italian style).  I went with that for my entree.  It also included potatoes and an arugula salad.    The steak was wonderful – perfectly cooked for me (medium well).  I asked how the steak had been cooked, and I was told that it was grilled and pan seared – maybe with a little olive oil.  I liked that it didn't taste all buttery.   



The potatoes were also perfectly cooked.  I am a huge fan of potatoes, and they were wonderful and just a little crisp.    I didn't finish everything, but I came close.  The salad was also good, but not different than what I've had elsewhere.

I totally forgot to take a photo of my dessert!  I asked the waiter what he recommended, and he said the tiramisu.  That was a perfect choice for the end of the meal.  There was a table next to me which had some wonderful looking desserts also, which they raved about.  The desserts included gelato, and Copetta Sotto Bosca, which was gelato with berries and a thick looking cream.  I may try that next time! 

I wouldn't pay cash for the meal – the restaurant is pricey – with a full tip, it would have been over $70.00 total.  But the food was excellent, and a very good value on the meal plan.

I was told that the only real change in the restaurant was the carpeting.  Also, the tables aren't as close together as Alfredos had.  The restaurant does have a decidedly more formal feel to it.   The music was louder, I could actually hear it now!



The wait staff didn't change, the pastry chef is the same – but not the rest of the kitchen staff.  Much of the management has changed as well.   This restaurant is an interim restaurant until next year, when it undergoes a major renovation and reopens again!

A side note – Tutto Italia is not an offical Disney restaurant.  Waiters are tipped on the price of the dining plan, not on the price of the food.  My meal came to about $64 plus tax, and the waiter received $5.21 as part of the plan (it is noted on the receipt).  I made up for it with another $6.00.


Some other photos from the evening:




